Vote is Important

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Votebook: Jamby Madrigal

Jamby Madrigal

Political Party
Genuine Opposition


Short Description
Is a politician in the Philippines. She was elected during the 2004 general elections and is currently serving as a Senator .

Civil Status
April 26, 1958
Jean Claude Dudoignon Valade
Republic of the Philippines
Roman Catholic
About Jamby Madrigal 
Senator Madrigal is currently the chairperson of four committees in the Senate, namely, the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources; Committee on Youth, Women, and Family Relations; Committee on Cultural Communities; and the Committee on Peace, Unification, and Reconciliation.

She is from a family of nation-builders and public servants. She is the granddaughter of a national hero and martyr, Supreme Court Chief Justice Jose Abad Santos. Her granduncle, Assemblyman Pedro Abad Santos, was the father and founder of the Socialist Party of the Philippines and a well-known defender of the poor and the oppressed.

In her struggle to fight for genuine reforms, Senator Madrigal was at the receiving end of the Manila police’s water cannon attack while attending a religious procession on 14 October 2005 along with other political activists.

As a legislator, Senator Madrigal has worked for the protection of the environment and has authored significant bills defending human rights and the rights of women and children.  Under her chairmanship, the landmark Magna Carta of Women law was finally enacted after pending for more than a decade in Congress.  Likewise, she successfully authored and passed the Anti-Child Pornography Law.

Senator Madrigal has likewise filed bills to advance nationalist economics and has a 100% consistent nationalist voting record.   She voted against oppressive legislation such as the E-VAT law, the JPEPA treaty and the Anti-Terrorism law.

Known for her audacity and unwavering spirit, Senator Madrigal continues to strive to change the world and promote peace, justice and equality through both legislation and public service.

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